Thursday, March 15, 2012

Wierd Obsessions

Did anybody catch the episode of Anderson Cooper with the  "Wierd Obsession" couple? The Cabbage Patch Kid couple?
I didn't. But I heard about it.
And then I googled it.
And now I feel for my son's mental health and future as a hoarder of all things Cabbage Patch Kid.

So I was telling my husband about this couple and he didn't believe me. I pulled up the YouTube videos to prove to him that we should be afraid. A asked to see what we were talking about so I showed him this picture:

Picture courtesy of Anderson Cooper

His eyes lit up, a huge smile spread across his face, he did a little jump, clapped his hands together under his chin and yelled, "IT'S DOLL WORLD!"

For him this picture confirmed just about every story he has ever told us about Gracie. Gracie goes away at  night when A is asleep to a place called Doll World. In Doll World everyone is Gracie's size and Gracie is president and is married, because in Doll World you are allowed to be president and be married at seven.

There have been so many stories of Gracie's life in Doll World, this place, that until he was shown this picture, was just in his head.

And now it is real.

And my son may end up on a wierd obsession show himself one day.

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